Voice and Tone

Use this section as your north star when it comes to communicating Cameo’s personality. We’re big on ask for forgiveness, not permission—but please try to color inside the lines.

Simply put, voice and tone is Cameo’s distinct essence.

It’s your one friend who’s great at storytelling.
The one that leaves a lasting impression with a few words.You’re thinking of them right now.
That’s voice. 

Your friend though is not one-dimensional.
Neither are we. Our personality is fluid and changes depending on the audience and context.
That’s tone.

Cameo's Personality

We’re fans. And passionate ones at that.

Passionate about our product. Our stars. And making other fans feel seen. 

It’s not about the biggest actors. Multi-platinum artists.
Or Hall of Famers. It’s about the connection you share
with them. What they mean to you. 

That’s where the magic lies.

We’re memorable.

Tears of joy for your grandma’s 60th. Piercing screams for your best friend’s engagement. Uncontrollable laughter for your coworker's promotion. 

We’re a 10 out of 10 on the WOW scale.

It’s all in the details. Like hearing a celebrity say your name. Or unwrapping a Cameo for the first time.
Every interaction, personalized.

We’re for everyone.

None of that “you had to be there to get it.” We transcend generations. Just like our stars. 

You like who you like. No judgment here.

Voice Examples

Tone Bar

Welcome to the spectrum of Cameo’s tone. Beautifully depicted in this grand scale. We are a tech company after all. 

Tone Examples

If you’re trying to help Cameo users understand our product or put our talent at ease, use a functional tone. The writing should feel concise, and clear. No need to exaggerate or be over the top, the product speaks for itself. 

“We’re showing all your fans a little extra love this week, with 25% off sitewide on all Cameo Video requests.”

But, if you’re trying to make readers feel something or tap into our personality, expressive it is. The words should jump off the page. So should the excitement in connecting with their favorite star. Bonus points if they click on it.

”Superfans assemble! We got the ultimate dream team, strong enough to take on any Comic-Con battle.”